Sunday, December 30, 2007

F7 look of the day

franco, look of the day.. all black of his fav pair from Raf.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

fhm X-change gift in X'mas eve with friends.

fhm wishes everyone happy

x'mas time...

2007 x'mas eve party, tot lhis year we gesser people
in the party but we still enjoy it...hohoohoo..

here the close friends of fhm789 in the party...

the 789solemnlook in x'mas eve....
here is a gifts x-change and funny, max got henry and henry got max!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

H8:Look of the Day

19-12 Look of the Day
My Styling Code: Furrmuse+Calvin Klein+TokyoBopper

My 1st shoe from my favorite Tokyo Bopper!! *Comfy with Style*


shooting m9 solemn-look with lad gum tape.